HYPER SAN is a liquid, free rinsing peroxyacetic acid based oxidizer/sanitizer. It is non-foaming, completely phosphate-free, biodegradable and highly economical. A 0.2 to 0.5% working solution provides 100 to 250 ppm of peroxyacetic acid. Typical applications include dairies, breweries, wineries, beverage plants, egg and food processing plants. This unique product offers many advantages over conventional quats and chlorine. There is no cell resistance build-up or foaming tendencies as are associated with quats and HYPER SAN is not as sensitive to organic or hard water conditions and will not corrode like chlorine. Since HYPER SAN is acidic, it dissolves minerals with no film formation and shines stainless steel surfaces. It can also be used as a no rinse sanitizer, leaving no after-taste problems. HYPER SAN is OMRI, Kosher and Halal certified.
Product code:
ACIA, OMRI, Kosher, Halal
Available sizes:
205L, 20L, 55L
Business sectors:
Agricultural / Horticultural, Bakeries, Dairy Farms, Farm Water Treatment, Food Industry, Food Processing Plants, Greenhouses, Hog Farms, Microbreweries and Distilleries, Poultry Farms
Drain cleaning, Peroxyacetic acid based sanitizer, Preventive treatment for water lines, Water treatment