We offer our customers the latest technologies in proportioning and applications systems. As an inescapable link between the chemical and its function, they are an integral part of our satisfaction guarantee program and help to maximize your operations.
This equipment, whether it is central, fixed or mobile, may be devices for dilution, pumping, foaming, flow measurement or even consumption measurement.
Increased productivity and quality control
At West Penetone, we select, install and maintain all our systems in order to guarantee smooth operation, accurate dilution and application that is appropriate to the requirements of your industry.
You thus benefit from:
- Optimum chemical consumption
- Compliance with safety standards
- Impeccable work, without loss of time
Our equipment meets strict standards in terms of:
- Proportioning accuracy – obtaining precise concentrations for optimum cost control
- Reliability – maintenance of usage conditions for the equipment to avoid loss of productivity and quality
- Ease of use and maintenance – minimization of handling in order to reduce errors and increase productivity
Verification, repair, calibration, we’re there!